Happy Winter Solstice. A celebration day for me – a pause day. This is when it appears that the sun itself takes a pause and for a few days the days/nights stay constant and then slowly and surely the light starts to return and the days, minute by minute get longer. The “worst” is over. Ha! Easy for me to say now that I don’t live in Ontario anymore, where harsh weather in January masks the progress.
Looking at my post from a year ago, I’m doing exactly what I was doing then. I’ve finished up my painting and other projects, photographed and framed, tidied and cleaned The Bunkie Study to transform it into The Bunkie Guest House in anticipation of Steve and the grand dogs arriving for a few days at Christmas. Last year I showed and telled my geometric paintings (see A Compass, A Ruler and a Pencil…and Colour). This year, after some months of creative pause, I returned to them this fall. I never really know what kind of art I’m going to do next – one day I wake up and decide that it’s time to draw, or use acrylics, or loose watercolour, abstract or realistic, whatever, the urge just comes. But this new year I know will bring more of these geometrics as the idea downloads of pattern and colour just keep coming, often in dreams, and I have lots more projects in mind.
So here’s my Solstice show and tell. May you all embrace and enjoy your creativity, however it shows up for you, as the light slowly starts to return.

And a moon phase calendar gift for a friend who is as entranced by the moon as I am…