Here’s what’s been hanging around the beaches and forests this winter – besides me. And my camera.
Owl Season
It’s Owl nest season and the guy in Indiana with the Barred Owl nest cam is up and running again this year. The owls get zero privacy as the cameras run 24/7, one inside the nest box and another camera focused on the outside of the nest. The female is incubating 2 eggs this year, leaving the nest only for a few minutes at a time to stretch her legs. Hatch watch is in about 12 more days. The male drops by from time to time to bring her snacks – you can see him coming and going from the outside camera. From time to time they hoot at each other:
She: “Who cooks for you” “How’s it going out there?”
He: “Who cooks for you back” “Ok, I’ve almost got one.”
She: “Who cooks for you” “Good. Getting a wee bit peckish in here”.
He: “Who cooks for you back” “On my way.”
I am very easily amused.