June 21st is my favorite day of the year and Summer Solstice my biggest celebration day. This year, the solar system calendar and the human calendar didn’t quite line up and solstice was on the afternoon Pacific Standard Time of the 20th. No problem. Let’s have a 2-day celebration!
I had decided this year for a number of reasons to cancel what had become our annual Solstice in the Garden party. When I found out that there was a full moon at solstice this year the plan soon took shape and became clear. I had an image of myself somewhere beside the water watching the reflection of the sunset colors and the shining full moon illuminating land and sea. It was time to expand the perimeter.
I rented a cabin on an island by the water on Quadra Island, an hour and a half drive + 15 minute ferry ride north of here. The cabin was perfectly situated on the shores of Discovery Channel looking across to the west and Vancouver Island mountain views. We’d watch the sunset and also have clear view of the full moon rising.
On the way up we stopped to visit friends who were staying in their camper by the beach with killer views. I had brought appropriate supplies and 3:48 pm PST, the official time of solstice, found us on the beach with our Bic lighters trying to light sparklers (in the wind) and blowing into noisemakers that made no noise (cheap dollar store), my friends with great good nature going along with this nutcase. It was a beautiful day.
Later after exploring Quadra Island and neighboring Cortes we settled into our seaside cabin late afternoon to get ready for the sunset and moonrise show. Visions of sparkling moonshine on the water danced in my head (so to speak) as I looked at the sky above me. As time went by my glances became, shall we say, a little more anxious as I witnessed what was really going on. The forecast had been for clear skies and 24 degrees C. The reality? Well, this was my view…
No sunset, no full moon, nothing. The evening became about fog, rain and passing cruise ships on their way back from Alaska. This was the first Strawberry Moon as they call this full moon summer solstice alignment in 68 years. The next will not appear until 2062 and I’m not sure I’ll be able to wait for it.
Quadra Island was great though and I’ve already booked a longer return visit later this summer, this time when new moon is expected. Wish me luck viewing that one.