As the Russians invaded Ukraine in February the Russian warship Moskva, along with a patrol ship, came up alongside a tiny island in the Black Sea, Zmiinyi (Snake) Island, population less than 30 with a contingent of 13 Ukrainian border guards stationed there, bombarding it with their deck guns. A message came from the ship.
“I am a Russian warship,” the person said in a call to the island. “I ask you to lay down your arms and surrender to avoid bloodshed and unnecessary deaths. Otherwise, you will be bombed.”
After a brief discussion among the Ukrainian guards, they replied:
“Russian warship go fuck yourself”.
These words have become rallying cry by both the Ukrainian military and civilians protesting the invasion.
Two weeks ago Ukraine issued a commemorative stamp marking this event.
One day after the stamp’s issue, the Ukrainean postal service was hit by a cyberattack, source “unknown”.
A day later the warship, Moskva, was hit by anti-ship missiles and subsequently sank. Of course everyone is lying about casualty numbers, but knowing the “right” number hardly matters. Humans are killing each other.