How I Spent My Summer Vacation Part 1

Equinox has now passed and for weeks now the days have been getting shorter and shorter. Today sunrise was at 7:08 am and sunset 7:09 pm. Evening and early morning temperatures are falling although there’s still been lots of sunshine. This weeks we’ll have several days of cloud and the rain has finally arrived, at long last. Hallelujah. Summer was a doozy, that’s for sure, with drought conditions since May and a horror show of wildfires across the province, including near us, where the west coast of the island was effectively cut off from the east for many weeks. Many people in many communities on the mainland were evacuated and some lost their homes and communities. Even now, some wildfires continue to burn.

Still, we were among the fortunate ones and although it seemed I had a late start leaning in to my own summer, as I finally get around to sorting through images of fine times, I feel the good memories of getting out to explore this beautiful place I live in. There are more adventures ahead, but here’s a look back on my summer.

Back to the Islands

View of Hornby Island from Qualicum Beach

I had such a good time on our first island day trip to Denman Island (A Different Perspective) a few weeks later we returned to explore its sister island, Hornby. To get there, we took the 10 minute ferry across to Denman, drove across the island and then took another 10 minute ferry ride across to Hornby. Short distances but slow and easy travel. Getting in the mood for the slow and easy vibe.

We’re not in Kansas anymore, Toto

First stop off the ferry – fuel for the body, in the form of the best carrot cake in the world and a cappuccino. Then a hike at Helliwell Provincial Park through the mixed forests of Garry oak, arbutus and Douglas fir out to the flat meadow-like land above the 100 foot high bluffs on the south end, with panoramic views down the Strait.

Back to town and another of those intriguing island community bulletin boards. It’s a happening place. Announcements of theatre performances, lots of concerts, art shows, festivals, help wanted (blackberry pickers), items to buy and sell, reiki, yoga, cabin to rent, bird watching walks and more. Cash or barter!

After lunch (we ate our way through Hornby Island – great food) we headed out towards Tribune Bay to the warm water sandy beach that I’m told is the best on all of the Gulf Islands, north or south.

Headed to, is the operative expression here as we ran into a bit of a snag on the way when the navigator (that would be yours truly) headed us in the wrong direction. We never actually made it to the beach this trip. (This beach picture was taken on our last visit, back in 2016). But this turned out to be a happy accident as instead we found ourselves on another beach called Heron Rocks. It was low tide, and we scrambled along the rocks taking in the spectacular sights of weathered rock formations of amazing colours and textures of sandstone sculpted by the sea. Peeking into the hollowed out rocks at the shore line I discovered gorgeous star fish, waiting out the tides.

Group Hug

Then on to some power shopping at the local garden centre and produce market. And a lost sign.

So much more to explore, so many more trails and different geography, but the day was coming to an end and the ferry beckoned. But not before more food! Ice “cream”. A day of great food, vibes, walks, scenery, views, geology, colour and smiles.

Vegan ice cream – I think I’ve found my tribe

So long, Hornby Island. Love ya. I’ll be back.