Back at the end of last year I came across a photography game that seemed like it might be fun with benefits. In keeping with the ubiquitous Top 10 lists that pop up at that time of year as people look back on what has happened, this game is to look back over all the photography images you’ve made over the year and choose your Top 10.
Not easy. Although the mechanics of the process are pretty straightforward with the photo software I use, the selection itself is difficult and takes some time and effort. Here’s how it works:
First, I selected all the photos taken in 2016 (5082), then identified the images that had been flagged as “picks” for a closer look-see and/or developing (474). From this, I started eliminating those images that were not going into the next cut. This process continued through 4 more passes (93, 78, 41, 24) until I was left with 10.
As the group of selections gets smaller and smaller the choices grow harder and harder but it’s worth it to look at things from a more discerning point of view. Sometimes I totally loved an image because it reminded me of a very special time, but in the end, it might not make the final cut for one reason or another. Still, every single image has its associated memories of that special moment when I was enchanted by one thing or another, reminding me once again how happy I am in the way I spend my days. Once the Top 10 were selected, I printed them out, another step to getting images out of the computer black hole and into the light, so to speak. As a body of work, what’s not there, as well as what is, says a lot.
So here’s my own personal Top 10 choices for last year’s photos (in no particular order – that would be taking it way too far!):
Memories of 10 wonderful days.