July 4, 2011 was the day I arrived in Canada after four years of living in the Philippines, to start a completely new adventure on Vancouver Island, British Columbia. The move was a long time coming and I have always loved it here. I felt at home here on the island long before I even made the move, in those years of frequent visits when I always had to leave in the end to go “home”. This final move was a true homecoming.
Eleven years ago, when we moved into this house, the back garden was a blank slate, just a bare rectangle surrounded by a wooden fence. The first thing built was the GreenHouse – a dream of mine since forever, then all the stone work on the patios replacing big concrete slabs, then digging up the sod to build flower beds, installing new fences and planting area along one side of the house, shaded by wooden lattice. The buildings were repainted. Later came the really big project, the huge pergola patio that stretches along the side of the house. And along the way, planting, planting and replanting – trees, shrubs, perennials, vines. The garden is filled with bees, butterflies, dragonflies and other insects, hummingbirds and other birds that pop in to check things out. It’s been an ongoing project of love – a refuge, retreat and a place of ever-changing eye candy.
So this is what our 11-year old garden looks like now – in summer, along with some “before” shots:

Hanging out in the jungle garden is so relaxing, even the neighbour’s cat, Little Black Cat, aka Cricket, is enjoying making herself quite at home. Or, depending on point of view, taking over. “Give me back my seat!”

But peace in the garden for Dennis was not to last. Then came the cousins. Oh, no!…
Steve had a job in Nanaimo this month and stayed with us during the weekdays for three weeks, bringing his little animal family and leaving the grand-dog, Rosie, and grand-cat, Sox, in our care during the day while he worked. A vacation for them outside in the jungle garden and it was fun hanging out with them all day. And all was well – Dennis turned out to be quite gracious about the visitors.

It took a long time coming this year but summer finally arrived, well into July. It had been unusually cool and rainy for months and months. Complaints were muted though as we all remember the horror show of last summer with its record heat, drought and fires. Now is the time to move outside and enjoy the warmth and beauty of this very special place.