Faces of Joy

If you would like to see what joy looks like, take a look at this photo, taken at the moment it was announced that Team Ontario had won FIRST PLACE (yes I’m shouting) in the Engineering competition at the Solar Decathlon.
Solar Decathlon 2013That’s Mike, 3rd from the right.

The Solar Decathlon, officially 10 days in California, but really years in the making, is over and Team Ontario placed 6th overall.

We just got back from a 10-day road trip to Portland where we met up with Mike after the Solar Decathlon was over for a little R&R before he headed back to Ottawa to rejoin his life there. More on the road trip to come no doubt, but meanwhile, a few more images of the event, including the house itself and off-site activities. One can’t go to California without hitting the beach, no?

Well done, Oh Son o Mine.