Remember…the Fifth of November

After the exuberant novelty of 6ty, the novelty seems to be fading slightly in subsequent years. Then, a visit to the high temple of philiosophy (the card shop) puts it all into perspective with things like this…

We Were Young and BeautifulGo Girls.

I always thought it quite charming that John Lennon, in the ending bars of ‘Remember’ told the world to remember my birthday.

Happy BlissDay

Birthday Peanut Butter Cup

Guess how many trick or treaters came to our front door on Halloween night, my all time favorite holiday?


That’s right. Not a single child. It’s not completely unexpected in this youth-challenged town of ours. Also, I’m told that there is a big Halloween party at the community center for those kids we do have, complete with fireworks. So somewhere, someplace Halloween is happening, including in my own memories of days gone by, and the delight I had in creating costumes for The Boys and sometimes me. Here I am as my favorite character – Vera (her story here) – with my entourage… Continue reading