Last week, a week of glorious sunny fall days, we were in Vancouver walking, shopping, eating and generally expanding the perimeter. The excuse for this city hit was a medical appointment where a strange thing occurred. For the very first time my blood pressure read as elevated. “Take 3 more readings over the week when you get home, then call your family doctor”, said this new specialist to my astonished self.
I choose to blame this on the election campaign. Mornings would find me sipping my cappuccino and scanning my Feedly newsreader, checking out the latest bon mots from our fearless leader (as well as some lesser ridiculous pronouncements from a wanna be), unleashing torrents of outraged profanities on my part like you wouldn’t believe. Oh. Wait. On second thought I’m sure you’d believe it.
Well last night was an absolute BLAST! I can’t remember having such a good time on election night as the results came in showing Justin Trudeau completely cleaning his clock. Then came Harper’s last speech and we got to watch the backside of him, exiting stage right. Good riddance.
Will this lead to a kinder, gentler Canada? Stop the Northern Gateway pipeline? Stop throwing our kids in jail for smoking pot? Stop the fear mongering, the racism, the divisiveness, the negativity? Stop the environmental degradation? Stay tuned. Justin Trudeau’s acceptance speech spoke of change, positive energy and a brighter future. Today I feel like a great weight has lifted. Our new Prime Minister’s message of hope has been a long time coming.